Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The shopping trip that never ends

3 hours in Walmart is long enough to drive a person crazy. 3 hours in Walmart with 4 kids deserves a medal or something!! It was a long day :)
We started our adventure to town with an eye exam from my awesome optometrist who did it free of charge. Thankfully, V*ktor did not need glasses because I could tell he was horrified at the thought he might.  As we got there, B burned her leg on the exhaust pipe of my van :( It looked a little blistered and she cried a bit more than usual, but after some ice it seemed okay. After the eye appointment, we grabbed some Runza because V*ktor kept saying he wanted "kartopla" - potatoes. Though that's all he wanted, he agreed to eat a salad, too (since mean Mama made him).

THEN - we checked out Chuck E Cheese. It was so funny. I kept saying we were going there, and having no concept of what it was, he was totally unenthused. He had a blast, though! The ticket idea there is ingenious and a big help getting them out the door since they get to pick a prize. Afterwards, B's leg was looking pretty bad, so we went to the pediatrician. Second degree burn which requires some bacitracin and rebandaging twice a day. Poor baby :(  She's so tough, though, she seriously hasn't complained much about it. I'm a big wuss and would still be whining!

Finally, we went to Walmart. V*ktor saw all the school supplies out there and was asking me to get some for him. I couldn't remember whether that's something we were supposed to send home with them or not, but I figured it wouldn't hurt. Seriously, as excited as the kid was about the .17 notebook, I was thrilled to spend a little on a calculator, protractor, pencils, pencil case, and a few other things for "shkola."  Sweetheart just kept saying "thank you thank you thank you!" Of course about every 20 minutes (or so it seemed) somebody needed to go potty, so that involved a trek across the store each time.  V*ktor has been really easy to please when it comes to clothes. He's been happy with everything except jeans. He just could NOT seem to find a pair he liked. So, armed with some clothes $ from Meme, he tried on every pair of jeans in Walmart. He found one pair he liked and we got 2 of the same ones. Then some socks and he was good "Thank you, Meme!"  with big smiles.  Toy department... Okay, rotten idea but we were trying to find a birthday gift for cousin H. That took awhile! We still never came out with a gift for her, but A found some Hero Factory legos with his $ burning a hole in his pocket.  Attempted to find shoes for B - no luck.  Oops, back to the other side of the store for bandages... Almost 2 hours into the trip we finally got to the groceries!!!!!!  B was asleep before we even got out of the parking lot - I wished I could join her.
After pizza night (afterall it is Wednesday), I cooked and was blending some peas for C.  A came in and asked if I had made a chocolate shake for him.  Hee hee. I said, yeah, it's in the blender! When he asked why it was green, I said food coloring. He didn't want to eat it green, but I said "Oh try it and if you don't like it, I'll make another one."  The LOOK on his face when he ate a spoonful of lukewarm blended peas... LOL!!!  Okay, I'm so mean, but it was just too much to resist :)  Yes, I did make him a chocolate shake after that!  V*ktor practiced violin for almost 2 hours tonight. He and A built legos, too.
It was incredibly exhausting, but still a great day!  We only have 2 weeks left with this amazing kid! Please continue to pray that God has a forever family for V*ktor! We just adore him and want him to be loved and cherished every day for his whole life.

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