I'm going to assume if you're reading this you know me. Maybe I'll add an intro at another time...
For years, my cousin J has always marched to the beat of his own drum. He doesn't ever care what anyone thinks of him. He isn't afraid to do something just because others don't think it's a good idea. It's sometimes frustrating, but sometimes awesome :) So 12 years ago when he married a girl from Russia that he barely knew, we weren't super surprised. We WERE, however, amazed at how awesome she is!
Fast forward... J and N now have 4 boys - aged 9, 9, 8, & 7. N's Mom moved to the states and lives with them. For several years they've said they want to adopt girls from Russia. Quite honestly, I couldn't understand why they would do this. They have healthy, wonderful children who keep them quite busy. Their house has 4 bedrooms and not a ton of "living" areas. Even though she speaks several languages, it would be really hard for him to communicate with these children.... You get the idea.
Last summer, they brought over twin girls from Latvia to spend summer vacation with them. I did not meet them, but I saw pictures and heard about their visit. For Christmas, they brought over 3 girls to spend the holidays with them. We were home to visit, so we did get to spend some time with them.(You can read her blog at www.dofrogshaveteeth.blogspot.com ). At this point, I can say that I totally had a better respect for them and what they were doing... Still had NO thought that we would ever do such a thing. Even 2 weeks ago, I would have laughed at the suggestion...
Recently, N started posting about why they do what they do. There are many reasons. Here are a few statistics that astounded me, though: At age 16, kids are kicked out of the orphanage with a backpack and $30. AGE SIXTEEN!!! 10% of them commit suicide within 2 years, most of them join gangs, many of the girls become prostitutes... It is just heartbreaking. So overwhelming. So sad. With those kinds of statistics, a lot of times it seems like there's nothing you can do so you push it out of your mind. You don't think about it.
Then, N started talking about V*ktor - a boy from the Ukraine who just needed somebody to love him. Not adopt him, not commit to going overseas, no "strings." JUST love him and show him Christ... for 5 weeks. His face, his story... They really reached out to me. The inner voice went a little something like this - "What? How would you host a kid? You have 3 of your own? Where would you get the money for something like that? You don't speak Ukrainian! Nicky can do that because she at least speaks their language, but not you!!!.... Your husband will think your CRAZY!!!" The last one, yeah, there's no WAY my husband would go for that. So God kept tugging at my heart, and I just couldn't see it right away.
Then, with only 3 days left for V*ktor to be selected for the summer... I read N's newest post. Right below it was a post from another friend - It was Esther 4:14. "For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” Honestly, the 2 went together so well that I thought they were the same post. Still, God really started getting my attention.
I still thought my husband would think I was nuts, that it wasn't even worth a discussion because I knew what he would think. After all, it's the same thing I would have thought 2 weeks ago. I realized that I couldn't limit God like that, though, so I at least had to share it with him. I sent him V*ktor's picture to his email at work. He replied "who's that?" I replied with a link to N's blog. Then, I called and I just said I wanted to talk about it when he got home. I asked him to do 3 things for me - pray about it, read N's blogs, and pray about it again. Then I would support whatever he decided. I prayed that God would open his heart and speak to him. If this is what God wanted, then it was up to Him because I certainly couldn't "talk him into" this! I was ready to be supportive of his decision.
When he walked in from work, I was completely surprised that he started asking questions right away. We talked vaguely while the kids were awake, and after they were asleep we read through the blogs and talked for a long time. We prayed about God's hand in V*ktor's life. Before going to bed, we had a list of a few logistical obstacles, did the preapplication to be a host family, and turned it all over to God. The main logistical quesitons were answered first thing the next morning, we completed our looooooong application that night and created a fundraising page. I was soooooo encouraged when 2 of my cousins jumped in right away and donated. We know God will take care of the rest.
The cost to bring V*ktor here is not cheap. I could get hung up on that. I'm not. "Our God is Greater" has been playing on the radio and running through my head constantly! He will take care of it. He will use His people to provide. This is His will. He will take care of it.
V*ktor doesn't speak English. I don't speak Ukrainian. It will be hard to communicate. Yes, it will. Our God is Greater.
We have other children who demand our attention. We will have even less time to rest. Our God is Greater.
It will be HARD. We will sacrifice. In the end, I have no doubt that our family will be blessed far beyond the emotional or financial cost.
So, in the words of Steven Curtis Chapman.... I'M DIVIN' IN !!!!!!!!!
If you feel led to contribute towards V*ktor's travel, you can donate at the link below.
If you would rather send a check, make it Payable to New Horizons for Children 3950 Cobb Pkwy Suite 708 Acworth, GA 30101 In the memo, please indicate that you're supporting hosting V*ktor U-92
Praying for you, your wonderful family and for victor. I can't wait to meet him and I am here for anything you need! <3 you guys.