Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Psalm 139:14  I will praise You. For I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works!
That was our verse for VBS last week. HOW awesome to know that we are each special to our God, wonderfully made BY HIM, and loved beyond any earthly comprehension.  I can't wait for the opportunity to share this with V*ktor by showing him!

Saturday, baby C and I left the house at 5AM and got home at 11:45PM.  She was a champion traveller! Slept the whole time on both flights. We got to Denver pretty early and went on over to the hotel where they were having the meeting. The leader and another host Mom were there, so we kind of got started on training little by little as others arrived.  The best part of the training was that we got to spend a good 2 hours hearing from (and asking questions of) 2 amazing young ladies who came from an orphanage in Ukraine. They came over to America several times as host kids with a different program and eventually were adopted. These girls just had so much self confidence it was a joy to see! They told us about life in the orphanage and how it changed them to come here and see people who cared about them. It was really encouraging that they talked about how even just sending a letter once a month (after kids return from hosting) can make a very big impact on their lives.  I have sometimes wondered how much of a difference we can really make for him since we won't have him forever, and it just renewed my excitement about the importance of this opportunity for him!
We only have TWENTY-THREE days left until he gets here!  I'm now entering list-mode.  I'm making list after list of things I need to do and the things I need to get.  Here are some items on my list.  If you have any of the following or would like to get it for V*ktor, please let me know!  Some are truly needs, and some of them are "wants."

Items to get for V*ktor:
cloth and needles for embroidery (already had some rings and thread donated)
Ukrainian-English parallel Bible (this might be covered, but not sure yet)  COVERED
MP3 player that charges by USB (CANNOT be name brand, must be a very inexpensive version) COVERED
Christian music for MP3 player. I am waaaaaaaaaay technologically challenged, so will probably need someone to help me get it onto the MP3 player!
hard violin case ?  COVERED
size 10 or 12 boys summer clothes and shoes

If you have any of these items below, we will only need them while he's here and can return to you.
night lights
radio/alarm clock
bike helmet

Tomorrow, I have my eye doctor appointment and will ask her if she would be willing to do V*ktor's eye exam when he is here.  Please be praying for my eye doctor that she is open to that! Also, we have an extension on our hosting fees, and they are due on the 15th. We are over halfway there, so please continue to pray!!!  Thank you all so much :)

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