Thursday, May 31, 2012

Diggin' Diggin' in the Word of God

We've been very busy and having a great time with Vacation Bible School this week!  Today, we had SEVENTY KIDS!  The cute theme song is "Diggin' in the Word of God"

Blonde moment! If you've read my facebook you've seen this :)
Yesterday, as I was leaving VBS, I saw my phone on the table. I didn't remember putting it there, but since I was running 100 directions at once it wasn't unfathomable that I had set it down there. So, I picked it up, put it in my pocket, rounded up kids, and headed out the door. About 20 minutes later, I decided to make a call. I reached in my pocket for my phone and noticed the screen saver was changed. "Silly kids." I thought - thinking one of the youth had done it. Then, I noticed there was a text from someone I didn't know.  Once I went to call history and realized that Karli had called over and over and over, I put it together that this WASN'T MY PHONE!!!  So, I called Karli and asked her whose phone I had stolen.  Oops - sorry Kenzi!  Where was my phone, you ask?  It was in my pocket, too.  Hang onto your phones around me people - especially if you have the same one!!!

Funny story on the payoffs to hoarding :)...   Years ago when we replaced our front door, I wouldn't let Brian toss it because "it might be worth something." Here we are several years later, and it was still sitting in our garage when I started my online yard sale mission to help raise funds for V*ktor... So, I made a few phone calls and found an architectural antiques guy who wanted it for $100! Between that and selling my treadmill, my plane ticket for Saturday's training is covered!

Getting encouraged by the donations coming in towards V*ktor! We are at 50% of our funding. The balance was due tomorrow, but we have been given an extension until 6-15. Keep praying for the rest to come in by the 15th! Also, please continue to pray for V*ktor's situation and his heart as he may soon be reading our letter to him and finding out a little more about who we are!

Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they?"

Baby C and I head to training on Saturday!  I'm very excited!  I've realized how long this training manual is, though, and I better get to reading it if I want to have it done by Saturday!

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