Friday, July 13, 2012

On the Road Again

I wanted to post last night, but the evening ended with V*ktor in so much pain that I was too discouraged to write such a negative post. Today was WORLDS better, so I'm ready to update :)

Yesterday morning, they woke us up bright and early - as they tend to do in hospitals... The doctor came in and said that since V*ktor wasn't eating, drinking, or moving around yet that we would wait and evaluate in the late afternoon. I spent a good part of the morning trying to get him to drink, begging him to eat, etc. A call with the translator got him up and moving a little. It took a skype with N and a good Russian "grandmother" talk from N's Mom via skype to convince him that if he wanted out of the hospital he was going to HAVE to eat, drink, and keep walking! So funny that I didn't understand a word of what N's Mom was saying, but I understood exactly what she was telling him - LOL :)
Brian and the kids came up around lunchtime carrying a balloon bouquet that got some smiles. I took B and A down to the cafeteria to eat. 2 spilled Diet Cokes later and we were finally eating-ugh (it was totally me and not the kids spilling). Later, I posted how to send V*ktor an ecard, and he received TWENTY cards that the gift shop printed and brought up to him. He was so amazed and kept looking at me like "who would send me a card?" I typed in google translate "friends and family, other host families, and some I don't know." He took a minute for it to sink in. I had to google translate and write the words on each card for him. I started to hang them on the wall, but he wouldn't let me because he wanted to keep reading them!  Seriously, I think the cards and the calls with N are the reason we left the hospital yesterday. They really perked him up and got him motivated to get out of there!

Brian and the kids left right around suppertime. Baby C and I waited for V*ktor to eat supper. He wolfed it down, and we were ready to go! You can see in the picture that he has the diaper bag in the wheelchair with him. Back to his sweet, thoughtful self, he grabbed it and was reaching for my purse and computer as we were leaving so I wouldn't have to carry so much! It was evident he was feeling lots better.

We got back to Aunt M's house, and he started playing Wii with A. They were disagreeing about something and he yelled trying to get A to stop something. This REALLY hurt him. He was in horrible pain. It was so, so sad to see after he had been doing so well. I gave him pain meds right away, but they, of course, took awhile to kick in. I found the "pain scale" online in Ukrainian, and he picked 9 :( It was almost an hour before I started seeing some relaxation on his face. He was still in pain, but it seemed a little better. When he finally got to sleep he slept all night and really late this morning.
It took awhile to get him out of bed this morning, and I had him talk to N again for some encouragement. Once he got up, though, I think he realized the pain with movement wasn't as bad as it was last night. He was playing Wii pretty much all afternoon- we had to keep reminding him to take it easy!  It took a lot of convincing to get him drinking and eating, but at least he was moving! We kept up on the pain meds all day as often as he could have them whether he was saying it hurt or not. I think that helped.
We started packing everything up so we can start the 2 day drive home tomorrow! In the morning, we'll be on the road again!

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