Sunday, August 5, 2012

A Great Kid!

Sleepless. I'm exhausted, but can't seem to sleep. I miss V*ktor. He's just a boy. He deserves a family. What will happen to him now? Will someone go get him?  How can we go get him? I look at these pictures and wonder how this is the same kid. To me, they just look so different!
When he did talk to others about his life back home, he said that he was always worried about what would happen to him. Did I mention that he wanted locks for his violin and suitcase so that, hopefully, he could hold onto his things that we had given him while he was here?  Yes, believe it or not, there are major bullies back at the orphanage. Every school has bullies... Most kids have parents and a family to go home to at the end of the school day, though. He doesn't.

One of the other host moms told me what her host son had to say about V*ktor: " I was teasingly asking who from their school (of the host kids) were good kids and who are bad kids (the answer, is that all are a little bit bad, like they curse, etc, but really they are all good... i.e. aren't the "bad kids." Except victor! he said he is ALWAYS good. :))" ..."seems like of all host kids, he likes Victor most."
A family who went over to adopt their child from his orphanage said this: "He was a real good kid. He played in some of my football games. Definitely one of the more polite kids of the bunch. "
Really? Not only do we love him and think he's wonderful, but the other kids even say he's a great kid??? Other parents who have interacted with him even in his home environment say that?  Of course, I should have known that. What else would they say?  He IS a great kid!

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I feel more comfort and peace about him that I know is only from God and because of your love and prayers going out for us and him.  I did pretty good yesterday (today?), and though I was missing him the waterworks were less. Then, at dinner, I was feeding C, and the thought just hit me that she only had one of her big brothers. So, that sent me in the other room sobbing for a bit. V*ktor just adored her and loved on her like you wouldn't believe!

Please continue to pray with me for this amazing kid, his future, and his forever family. Pray God's provision.  God says not to forget the orphans and the widows. He does not abandon them!

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