Monday, September 17, 2012

He KNOWS!!!!

We have talked to V*ktor!  Actually, we have talked to him several times since last Monday morning. We finally were able to do a phone call. Brian was already at work, but it was me, Bec (his roommate's mom), cousin N, V and his roommate Jur@.  At first, they wouldn't put us on speaker and weren't really saying much. We realized they had been in a school assembly and we were going to get them in trouble for being on the phone - oops!  Jur@ was the first one to hear that they were being adopted, and he said "Really????"  It's amazing how ONE word can convey relief, hope, excitement, love, and a sense that a GIANT weight had lifted off this boy's chest.  As soon as the assembly was over (which was about 5 minutes), they started asking questions and talking to us.  Cousin N told V*ktor about how it would be a while, then we would come there and go to court. She was explaining how the court would ask him if he wanted to be adopted, and he responded "YES YES! Tell them I say YES!... and tell them Jur@ said YES, too!"  It is soooooo exciting that he knows we are coming for him and he will HAVE his forever family!
For the first few days after we told him, he would call and ask "You come tomorrow?"  At first, I thought that it was one of those things where you hear this amazing wonderful news and your ears turn off to miss the details (that it's going to be several months, that we're trying to get there as soon as we can)...   Then, I realized he was actually just confirming that we are still coming. I think that he is so excited about it that he just keeps wanting to make sure it's real and that we will go get him.  Breaks my heart to hear him asking me to come tomorrow because I wish I COULD!!!  Since then, just a 2-3 minute phone call every day or 2 seems to make him happy :)
Yesterday was pretty funny... Jur@ called Bec and was telling her how V*ktor was down at the discotech (at 10:30PM Ukraine time).  He let her go on for a minute wondering what in the world that was all about until he told her that it was apparently a big festival day. They all got to go eat all the food they wanted and run free for the evening. Jur@ was home with a stomachache since he ate too much... So, all the orphanage children (including my son) were at the discotech late last night. allllllllllrighty then! :)
We have a fun, silly thing going on right now... Remember Ned? The scarecrow from the garage sale?  Well, J had a fantastic vision... My Mom's group took some of the garage sale leftovers and made a few more :)

These lovely friends have been showing up on porches and yards across town for the last few days :)  Each person gets to enjoy it for awhile then tell us where to move it. It's very funny! They come with a note telling a little about V*ktor and our family. If the recipient wants to donate, they can and it is very much appreciated.  Mostly, it's about having fun and spreading the word :)  We have an awesome community here, and it has been amazing the support we have received!
Coming up on September 29th is the 5K Walk/Run starting at the Unadilla Park 8AM (registration at 7:30).  You can still register up until racetime, but I'd love to have them ahead of time if at all possible! It would help with my sanity- what little I have.  So, get signed up if you want to walk, run, or ride along on a truck and heckle (haha, just kidding, that was for you D K).
Thank you ALL for your awesome support, prayers, and love for us and our sweet boy!

Donations accepted here (non tax-deductible available for current expenses)

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