Monday, October 1, 2012

5K fun

It's been a few weeks, so jumping right in to tell you about our 5K.  We made signs to put up all along the 5K route.  The night before, I was out putting them up around midnight. I didn't want to put up the "Caution: Runners Ahead" signs until morning.  At 6AM, I drove out to put those signs up at all entrances to town...  What do I find?  A big. dead. raccoon... in the 5K route.  Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!  After laughing about it while being simultaneously completely grossed out, I decided that a "hurdle" along the path probably wasn't a good idea, so I asked the sheriff to remove it :)  My awesome Mommy friends came to help us with the 5K, and other great friends came to run and walk in it. We ended up with 30 registered and 27 participants!!!  We feel very blessed by all the people who came out to show their support and get movin' for V*ktor!
V*ktor experienced a Husker Baseball game, fireworks, picking corn, a 3D movie, bowling, camping, mini-golf, the zoo...........He got to go to museums, walk through a cave, play aunt Meg's Wii, play on a slipnslide, swim at the pool, take violin lessons........ V*ktor did many other things while he was here in America. The most important things he got out of his trip were free........ He was loved, hugged, and told he was special. He got to be a kid. THIS is what a kid can get from hosting..............Even if we were not moving to adopt him, the summer with our family has already changed his life...........
It has changed ours as well.  We cannot imagine our life without him. He is the missing brother in our house, and we ALL can't wait to have him home!
We talk to him every few days. The conversations are very short, but hopefully enough to let him know that we love him and are coming for him as soon as we can.  He has started taking music lessons for the violin.  He was REALLY excited about a recital on Sunday.  I can't wait to get more details on how that went :)  V*ktor is always interested to hear about what we're doing and where we're going. It can sometimes get challenging with the language barrier - which is so much easier when you can use hand gestures.
The mountains of paperwork seem endless.  We're just pressing on :)  Our fundraising has been going great! We still need a little over $10,000. I am applying for grants right now (more endless paperwork), and those look promising.  At this point, our timeline looks to be around January or February.  Thank you for your continued prayers that everything will come together at the right time:)
The listings are up for New Horizons Winter Hosting!!!!  Please take a look at the kids. If you are interested in hosting, I would love to answer your questions. If you are NOT interested in hosting, please look anyway and pick a kid or 2 that you will PRAY for!
To donate for our adoption:

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