Sunday, October 21, 2012

Potato Pandemonium!

We are continuing to make progress - both in fundraising and in paperwork.  This week was our take-home soup supper.  Oh BOY what work!  Thursday was CRAZY windy here in Nebraska.  I mean, NUTS!!  When I finally got both girls through the wind from the car into Walmart I was worn out.  As I maneuvered 2 full carts through the store (push one, pull one, push one, pull one), I kept praying "Lord I need HELP! How am I going to get all this out to the car at the end in this WIND?!?!"  After checkout, I heard every Mom's dreaded phrase when completely busy and right in the middle of something... "Mommy, I need to go potty."  So, push, pull, push, pull over to the bathroom so she could go.  Back across the store to the door and the wretched wind...  I ran into a friend walking out the door who stayed with the girls and carts while I pulled the car to the door and unloaded.  THANK you LORD for YOUR perfect timing in that!  He had a plan, He had help for me.  "All things work together..."   That night, my awesome friends J and A came over to help with soup bonanza part 1.  Between the 2 of them, they peeled 30 beets and 60 lbs of potatoes!!!!  I did all the other parts of making borscht - chopping onion, carrots, shredding the potatoes and beets, etc.  By the end, we were done with the borscht.  J chopped all the peppers and I froze the rest of the potatoes.  10 gallon-sized bags of peeled, shredded potatoes ready for Saturday!

Friday, we woke up to the pilot light out on the furnace and it was quite chilly!  A was out of school for the day. I finally got kids ready to leave the house. We ran by the thrift store, the bank, the library, dropped food at the pantry, then back home for lunch.  I was about to head into Sam's to get a space heater, when the heating guy called and was on his way! Yaa!  My friend L was in town and she had ordered potato soup. So, I figured I would go ahead and make her soup so she could take it home!  Unfortunately, I learned a valuable lesson on frozen potatoes.  They were all brown and once cooked, smelled TERRIBLE (and tasted worse)!  I guess you're supposed to "blanche" them before freezing. oops!  I told Lisa, "The bad news is that you don't get potato soup tonight. The GREAT news is that I know now instead of at 1pm tomorrow when it would be too late!"  After everyone was asleep that night, I headed back to Walmart to get 50 more lbs of potatoes!  Now, at this point I could be grumbly about having to get more potatoes and all the lost work.  I'm not.  J, A, and I had a good time together on Thursday and the borscht was completely made.  The potatoes were on a MAJOR sale this week (as was the country gravy mix I needed for the soup).  Coincidence?  No. I don't believe in that :)  I truly am thankful that I realized this on Friday afternoon instead of Saturday when I would not have had an option!
Saturday, N and her kiddos came over to help peel more potatoes and get the potato soup ready.  I am truly blessed with amazing friends who continue to step out and help!  Brian took A to his last soccer game while I went over with N to church for people to pick up their soup!  We delivered 3, then more were picked up today at church.  Overall, we sold 24 containers of soup!  I do still have 2 potato and 1 borscht if anyone wants them :)  They should freeze fine for another day!  Overall, it was successful and now I know how to make gallons of soup- lol!

Updates on kids I talked about last week...
Andr** seems to be doing okay. He is still scared about leaving his country and starting over. Continue to pray for him. His family is hoping to be there in just 4-6 weeks.
O has his appointment at the US Embassy on Thursday. Please pray for him that he can answer the questions satisfactorily and that the US consulate will allow him entry into the US with his family who loves him and wants him to be here with them.
J didn't get very good news this week. He is apparently not in the database. There is one tiny, total longshot chance that the date may be corrected. Most likely he will be waiting one year. At this point, he still needs to at least get in the database so his year can start. His Mom B called him Friday to explain what he must do in order to get that fixed. His reply was "I understand. I am very sad. I will cry later, but now I will work." Please pray for him that his heart will not be hardened through the process of waiting. She explained that some kids as they get older decide that they don't need or want a family. He said "Not me. Not V*ktor. I with V*ktor together every night pray for family. Even before summer, we pray every night for family." Please pray for our precious boys that they will be here with us soon. God will heair their prayers. He will hear ours. He has a plan for these boys, and He says "I will not leave you as orphans." It is our most heartfelt prayer that J does not have to wait this year, but if he does we know He has a plan and will work in it.

We still have some T-shirts if you want one! Let me know!
To donate for our adoption:

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