Tuesday, February 26, 2013

2-26-13 Time with Friends

Saturday, when I went to pick up V*ktor at the orphanage, he came out and asked if his friend Mi$ha could come with us. Uh - OF COURSE! I would love to hang out with your friend! So, they confirmed with a teacher that the director had said okay, and off we went. For about a month before we got to Ukra*ne, V had been asking me to find a family for Mi$ha and his 10 year old sister. Another family was here before me and tried really hard to spend time with him and get to know him. He was completely unresponsive. Even to me, since I arrived, whenever I see him I try to talk to him and say hi. I at least get a hello from him, but that’s usually it as he bolts off to wherever he is going. I had started to think that V wanted a family for him but he must not. I was quite surprised when V*ktor said he wanted to come with us, but I of course welcomed him. As soon as we left the orphanage, he started asking questions (through V*ktor) about America. He asked what I liked about Ukra*ne, what I liked about America, and wondered how far he might be from V*ktor if he came to America. At one point as we were walking, I tried to tell V*ktor about the ballet in Kiev - how I had wanted to go but didn’t get a chance. He didn’t understand the word “ballet,” so I put my hands over my head and did a pirouette on the sidewalk. HUGE smile from Mi$ha and almost a laugh. I started to realize that he may just be painfully shy. You never know with these kids what they’re feeling. Since he was the only kid so far (other than S and R*sa) to spend time with us, I knew that he must be a pretty close friend to V.

The first stop was the candy store where they picked out some candy and I got another bag of “the” candy for my friend back home. Next, we went to our hotel where we skyped with Brian, A, and B. A had a few basketball games, so they were up early getting ready. Mi$ha liked watching them and waving at them. He doesn’t seem to know ANY English, or if he does he doesn’t like to try it out. I must say, it’s kind of funny having V as a translator. It just shows how much English he really has learned. V and M played with C as she crawled all over them. They played some video games on the tablet and computer while eating candy. A part of me was thinking, “Wait! This is my few hours of the day to spend with you, I shouldn’t be letting you play video games.” The sensible part that won said, “This is one of the last few times V may ever get to play with his best friend. Don’t be selfish.”

After awhile, we wandered down to the market. V wanted to buy a gift for his director. The market was closed, but a miscellaneous store was open. He and M looked around and came up with an interesting ceramic snake thing wrapped in plastic. It was only $11 and he really wanted it, so we bought it. I later realized it was a decantur with some shot glasses, but oh well. It’s what he picked out and it’s from him anyways. We also stopped at a grocery store by the market. I couldn’t seem to find jelly and a few other things in the store by my hotel, so we found it there.

Since the market was closed, we went back to the hotel for another 30 minutes before heading out to dinner. The boys wanted…. I know you’ll be surprised…. Pizza. So, we went to “Avenue Pizza” where one of the guys actually speaks English. There we talked some using the tablet translator, C screeched awhile, and we ate pizza. At the end of the meal, V was talking to M and seemed to be quiet (which I thought was kind of funny since I really don’t understand what they’re saying.) Mi$ha looked me in the eye and with sincerity said, “Thank you so much!” It was very sweet and the only English I had even heard him attempt. By this time, the boys had pretty much taken over carrying everything for me and pushing the stroller, so I just went along for the walk. V*ktor insisted that since it was getting dark I couldn’t walk back to the hotel alone. He said it was okay since they were with me but not by myself, so we called a taxi to take me back.

As you have all read by now, Saturday night was quite entertaining. See previous post. I had every intention of sleeping in on Sunday, but apparently C had other ideas and I was actually wide awake by 9AM. We hung out in the room all morning and ate PBJ for lunch. The techno music had started again downstairs by the time we left for the orphanage. I wondered if the wedding was picking back up, but later just assumed it was a different party. Mi$ha and V*ktor met me at the orphanage gates as I walked up and we headed back out. Then, I realized he had wanted to bring his violin to the room. He thought it best to go ahead and bring it. We turned around and headed back to get the violin. He also brought a lot of pictures and important things he has saved. Back at the hotel, we planned to skype but nobody was on. So, we snacked on the pastries from the night before, the boys played video games, then we headed out for an early supper. They had to be back at 6 (instead of 7 like the day before). After eating at K*ntina (where the boys had pizza), we walked to the orphanage. Remember last week how I ordered something, loved it, ordered it the next day and got something different? I ordered the same thing this time and got something ELSE! LOL! I will never figure out how to order here! We walked back to the orphanage (stopping along the way for the boys to get a snack to share with friends), and then we called a taxi for us to head back. I watched movies online, C took some catnaps, we skyped, and I stayed up really late because I couldn’t sleep for whatever reason.

Monday, we made our standard walk to the bank for exchanging money and I had every intention of getting some more zipties at the store (the stroller got crammed in the trunk of a taxi wrong and one of the handles was weakened). It started raining a little, so we went back to the room. C was fast asleep once it was time to start walking, so I elected to take a taxi which would allow her to sleep another 30 minutes. At the orphanage, we were met at the door by V and M. We got into the playroom and I realized I had forgotten water. So, we walked over to the little market to get something to drink (and of course a few snacks). As we walked back into the orphanage, M went the other direction. We didn’t see him again. Not sure where he got held up, but I know he intended to come in there with us. We played some card for awhile. Some other kids came in off and on to visit. I got a video of Sa for his Mom back in America. The other kids had their normal Monday 4pm meeting. V*ktor seems pretty happy that he doesn’t have to go to those anymore. This time, it lasted a half hour, so I didn’t get to take video of the other boys playing soccer. C and I walked back to the hotel where I grabbed my notebook and then we went to dinner at B*lini. There was another customer who wouldn’t stop talking to me and didn’t quite grasp the meaning of “personal space.” The food was good, but I was happy to head back to our room after that. Kartya (the other housekeeper) washed our laundry, so I brought in some clothes to dry in the room.

Today, we ventured down to the hardware store for zipties. The same guy was in there working and got them for me. He helped me put the zipties on and cut off the extra. Funny enough, he was still looking at the stroller with complete disdain for the outcome of my project. I wanted to say - Hey! It lasted 10 days and would have been fine longer if the taxi hadn’t happened! Instead I said “spasiva” and went on my way. While we were down there, I decided another “hamburger” was in order, so we went to that restaurant. They remembered me because I practically didn’t even have to order. When I started looking in the coolers for tea, she remembered which kind I wanted and pointed me in the direction of the correct cooler. I use the term “cooler” loosely. The drinks are all in the refrigerators with glass doors (like at convenience stores), but they are not cold. Back at the hotel, C had her nap. Then we took a walk to the orphanage. A few minutes into the walk, I decided there was no way I could wear my heavy winter coat all the way. It had to have been at least 60 outside! It’s so strange. These people bundle babies in blankets and hats, they all wear hats and heavy coats (even inside) ALL the time!

When we got to the orphanage, 3 of V*ktor’s friends were able to come with us to the restaurant. They all ate a meal and played some video games on computer and tablet. Normally, I do not allow electronics at the table, but I’m not really sticking to that rule here. As we sat there and I watched him with his friends, I was thinking how many teenagers in America take this stuff for granted. It’s not like V*ktor and his friends ever get the opportunity to hang out together at a restaurant. It was nice that they were able to do it. I had some fries and juice, they all had a meal - which was perfectly fine with me! I was happy they could actually have a say in what they were eating. One of the teachers called the other 3 boys back to school a little before it was our normal time to go. They had all finished dinner and dessert, though, so it was fine.

For the walk back to the hotel, I decided the long sleeve onesie, heavy sweater, jeans, and snowboots were plenty to keep C warm. Anybody can tell you (my Mom especially) that I am NEVER hot. I’m always cold when others are hot. The temp was fine to be dressed for a nice fall day. As we walked, I saw the dirty looks I got from person after person. All the kids were bundled up in hats and coats. About 50% of the adults were even wearing hats! Still, nobody said anything for most of the walk. Almost back to the hotel, I came upon 2 babushkas who immediately started blessing me out pointing to their hats and to the baby. I just said “it’s HOT!” and mimed wiping sweat off my forehead. They had stopped as if we were going to have a discussion about this, but I just waved and kept on walking. Sheesh! Now we’re back at the room. Planning to have a red pepper, tuna sandwich (if I can figure out that can opener), and chips!

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