Monday, March 11, 2013

3-6-13 Misha and Tshirts

It has been a very eventful 3 days, and I’ll get to that. First, I want to tell you about V*ktor’s friend Mi$ha and how you can continue to be a part of caring for orphans even after V*ktor is home.

Mi$ha is a quiet, reserved kid at first. Once you have some one-on-one time with him, though, he will open up. When he does, you will see a kind, gentle boy who's really helpful and wonderful with kids. He is SERIOUSLY amazing big brother material. We have spent a lot of time with him in the last few weeks. Chella took to him very quickly. He loved showing her attention, pushing her in the stroller, and helping any way that he could. It's no surprise that he's great with little kids. He has a younger sister, Miro$a, who says that he's a really good brother. (She is not available for hosting at this time since she already has plans this summer. They would need to stay together if adopted.) One day, I ran into Mirosa's teacher and immediately upon mentioning him, she said "Oh yes, Mi$ha is a good boy."

Mi$ha likes playing soccer. He prefers forward and is pretty good! One of the things he said he liked about his country was that he played in a large tournament in the nation's capital. He really wants to come to America. He would like swimming, bike-riding, just getting to see America, studying English, and of course he'd like to play some soccer while he's here. When asked what he would like to be when he grows up, Mi$ha responded that he might like to sell cars (he really likes cars) or play soccer. He said what he would most like to do is be an American soldier. He is a respectful, polite, well-behaved boy who would love to have a family.

I could go on about Mi$ha, but that information is a good start. Like I said before, he is very much like V*ktor. I’m sure that’s why they’re such good friends. V*ktor has now left the orphanage, and 2 of Mi$ha’s other roommates are already selected for summer hosting. I will do everything I can to make sure he is not left behind this summer. If you are interested in hosting, that’s awesome! You can apply at the New Horizons website, and hopefully you will tell me, too!

Hosting will give him a chance to see the country, be a part of a family, and maybe even see V*ktor while he’s here! He really wants to be adopted. By hosting, even if you don’t plan on adopting, you increase his chance significantly. Right now, he has less than 1% chance of being adopted. Being hosted increases that chance by 60%. - whether through the hosting family, a relative, a friend, or someone else who meets him while he’s here.

I promised V*ktor that I would do everything I can to get Mi$ha to America. Right now, we are facing a big delay which will be more money for our adoption. I know God will provide it.

Before we found out about the delay, we had decided to sell the rest of the T-shirts and put the money towards Mi$ha’s hosting scholarship. This will increase the chance a family will pick him since part of the fees are covered by the scholarship. That hasn’t changed. “Bring V*ktor Home” T-shrts are available for a free-will donation. You can let me know what size you want and then make the donation directly to his scholarship on New Horizons website. He is E081.

If you don’t have a T-shirt, this will be last chance!!! Show your support of V*ktor by having a shirt and support his friend all at the same time!! Below is a list of the sizes I have left. As orders are received, I will change this so it will be current.

7-XL 5-L 3-M 20-S

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