Monday, March 11, 2013

3-7-13 A Beautiful Day Turned Bad

Monday was an absolutely beautiful day that, unfortunately, turned bad. Aleksey got in that morning only to discover that the court lady was wrong. She had told him court decree would be done Monday, but it actually wasn’t until Tuesday. It really didn’t make a difference for us that it wasn’t done until Tuesday because we couldn’t do anything with it until that day anyways. He may have waited to arrive until Tuesday, but otherwise it didn’t matter. I know God made that happen so Aleksey would be here for Monday night. I have no doubt about that.

We grabbed lunch, he ran to court for awhile, then we went to the orphanage to visit. I played some cards with Mi$ha, other friends came in and out, V*ktor played some Angry Birds. We left to go get V*ktor’s passport photo and he got back a little late. It was a pretty low-key but fun visit! There is a beautiful hill in town that has a cross and a lot of little buildings with paintings of the road to Calvary. I had really wanted to go up there before now, but I knew I couldn’t get C up and down the hill. So, Aleksey and I headed up there to take some pictures and see the city (he pushed the stroller and carried her when the path ran out). It was really neat. If you haven’t already, check out the pictures in my album. Gorgeous place!

After supper, we went back to the hotel. I put C in her pajamas and had just made some tea. I was holding it, but sat it right in front of me to grab something else. She moved so fast and pulled the scalding tea down on her. It spilled on her leg and feet. Since she was wearing footie pajamas it just held the hot water on her until I could get them off. I called for Aleksey and I put her in the bathtub with cold water. It was clear her leg was turning very red and starting to peel. So, I told him we needed to get to the hospital. Poor C was really upset at first, but she wasn’t even crying by that time which was actually a little concerning. I wrapped her in a wet towel, he grabbed something cold from downstairs (couldn’t even tell you what it was), and we raced for a taxi. The hospital seemed like an office building more than a hospital, but the actual room where we went was clean and looked like a normal hospital emergency room. They gave her a shot of something and wrapped her legs up. Aleksey said we were being sent to the Children’s hospital, so he went back to the hotel to get a few things. He kept asking me if I needed anything, and I was thinking “what could I possibly need?” He realized I wasn’t getting it, so he sat down and told me that she (and I) had to stay there for 7-10 days. REALLY? Wow- what an awful feeling! Aleksey said that he couldn’t stay once they checked her in, and I was about in tears thinking of being there alone and unable to communicate with them. I couldn’t wrap my head around having to stay in a Ukrainian hospital for that long - or that this burn was that bad! So, I just took it one moment at a time. They put us in a car with a nurse and driver to make the trip to the town an hour and 15 minutes away. C slept the whole way, I called Brian, and I prayed that they were wrong and it wasn’t that bad.

When we arrived (at another place resembling an old office building but bigger than the last one), the nurse went in search of a doctor, who came quickly. Aleksey talked to him and the nurse for a few minutes and then they wanted to take C into a room away from me. I almost lost it then, but I couldn’t really do anything about it. I’m soooooo thankful I wasn’t there alone! We sat and listened to her cry from the other room - which was really awful. When they came out and gave her to me, they talked to Aleksey for awhile. She stopped crying as soon as they gave her back to me. It was 2nd degree burns 3%. So, they said we could take her and come back in the morning. I can’t even begin to tell you how relieved I was that she didn‘t have to stay overnight.

We rode back to town and Aleksey went in a pharmacy to get whatever they had prescribed. I really think it was just Ibuprofen (which I had), but that’s okay. She was really tired and settled to sleep. I would hope so since it was 2AM!

Saying that Tuesday was a long day is a ridiculous understatement. It was exhausting!!!

We left early heading to the doctor in M City. They took her back in the same room, and she cried again. Torture to listen to that - even though I think it was mostly being scared. After that, we went to S City for the birth certificate. The lady insisted that we needed another document. Seriously? So, we went the hour and a half back to P. Aleksey ran in for the document, and we headed back. When we finally got the birth certificate it was 3pm and we hadn’t eaten all day. I fed C some baby food earlier, so she was fine. We ate at a diner, then we went back to M where there was another document to file. They were open until 6pm which was a really good thing! That’s when we hit a snag. In any other town, this document should take a day at the most. They said they won’t have it until Monday. So, that just added a week to our timeline, and that’s IF they even have it done on Monday. So much for getting home next week L Once we got back to town, we stopped at the orphanage to say hi to V. Then, we got back to the hotel after 7. Can’t even remember for sure what time it was. After eating lunch so late, we decided supper was cookies. C stayed up really late after sleeping so much in the taxi.

C is such a tough kid. She doesn’t even cry about it (except when they change her bandages), and she still happily totters around. The problem is that when she walks around, the bandages come off her feet. Just praying that the latest wrapping job was good and will stay awhile! Thank you to those of you who were praying for C’s healing. It really means a lot to us, and He has His hand in the situation.

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