Saturday, July 28, 2012

God's Hand in the details

This has been another fast 3 days. So awesome to see God's hand at work in everything. 
Months ago, we planned to camp with friends at a state park (M).  Several weeks ago, they bought a camper so we decided to go to a different park (IC) since we couldn't do 2 campers on one site at M.  I thought I cancelled, but realized this week that it didn't go through. So, I put it on craigslist and hoped to sell the site since we wouldn't get anything back if we cancelled now.  Thursday, our friend (who works for the power company) called with bad news that the power to IC was out and wouldn't likely be back until Friday. Plus, he had to work trying to restore power so they weren't going to be able to go with us, now, anyway.  So, we ended up heading to our original spot at M.
This kid totally cracks me up! While I was cutting watermelon to pack for camping, he kept picking up the throw away pieces and eating off every last little bit of watermelon! I have to force food down him half the time but he'll do that with watermelon rind:) Goofy kiddo!  While packing, about every half hour he was asking "Camping now?" "Drive?" - he was REALLY ready to go and super excited! Then, I was getting a Diet Coke out of the fridge, and he asked for one. I pointed him to his "Coke" on the counter. He all of a sudden started wiggling his arms and legs all around and asking me a question. I finally figured out he was acting drunk asking me if the Diet Coke was alcohol. So, I had to show him a taste test so he could see that they just taste different!  Oh the neverending charades!
 At one point during the day, he was telling B that he would go back to Ukraine in 6 days. A few minutes later, he looked at me and said, "Ma, no Ukraine. I stay here. Ya?"  Awww, kid are you trying to break my heart any more than it is already?????  I think it's starting to sink in for him, too :(
We were finally ready to go and Brian was done working, so we headed on up to the park! We got set up, had supper, the boys played a little, had the obligatory s'mores, and got everyone in bed. Then, I had to drive to the lodge at midnight to get a wireless signal to do my weekly report for New Horizons!
Friday, once we all got moving, Brian and the boys went fishing while the girls and I got ice for the cooler, bought bait for them, and then ended up watching them for awhile, too. V*ktor is quite the angler - he caught 7 fish! A even caught 3 :) We did crafts at the craft center after that, then back to the campsite for lunch. Later, we started potatoes on the fire and went to the giant indoor playground - I do mean GIANT!  They had a blast. You always know it's a success when you're in air conditioning and kids are drenched in sweat!  Steaks for supper, then Brian took the boys fishing again while I worked on getting girls in bed.  Of course- more s'mores :)
This morning, we got a slow start, but finally had our yummy bacon/eggs/taters. I had asked V*ktor what he wanted to do - paddleboats or minigolf. He chose minigolf, so our plan was to head over there after we ate.  Plans change! He went with Brian to get water, then he came rollerblading back to the campsite soooooooooooooo excited! I couldn't quite get what he was saying because he was talking so fast and flailing his arms trying to add some charades in there to help me understand. Brian got back to tell me that there was a Ukrainian church youth group at the picnic shelter 3 campsites over!!!  WHAT?!?!?! So, we all went over and had a lot of fun hanging out with them for awhile. Everyone there was bilingual-  kids, adults, everyone!!! V*ktor was just beaming! Well, after that we had to hurry and pack up the camper to make the 2PM checkout time, then went to play minigolf. My dear competitive husband made sure to get a scorecard. Once he saw B- who hit it about 3-4 times and then picked it up, threw it in the hole, and started clapping/squealing with delight (on every hole)... Then, he saw A hit it 10 times on the first hole. V*ktor was a tiny bit better than A...  Brian said, "I think I'll just keep score for myself. "  LOL!!!  Yes, dear, that's a good idea :)
The church group that we met invited us to their church, but it is at the same time as our church tomorrow. Right after we left them, V*ktor asked if we could please go to the church.  They had a service tonight. Soooooooooo - we got home, unhooked the camper, ran everyone through the showers - Brian and B got the cold water... Then, we went to the Ukrainian church! V*ktor just loved it! All the people were able to talk to him in his language and he understood the speakers and the songs. They actually had headsets for Brian, A, and me with a translator. So we were able to hear most of it, too! What a wonderul, welcoming group of people who were just really excited to hear about V*ktor, the hosting program, and happy to meet us!  It sounds as though there could be a future for families in that church to host kids!
God's hand was all over this! What if the cancellation had gone through on our campsite- or someone bought it off craigslist? What if the power hadn't been out that kept our friends from going with us? What if, months ago, I had reserved a campsite in one of the other areas at the park? What if we got going faster this morning and were already playing minigolf when the church group arrived?..... Well, none of those whatifs matter because God had it all under control. HE knew where we needed to be and when we needed to be there!
V*ktor told them he really likes it here and wants to stay. I felt in his prayers tonight some definite emotion (as I don't understand the words he says).  I had them ask him if there was anything he wanted to do that we hadn't done. Immediately he said he wanted to go to the zoo. So... It will be pretty hot tomorrow, and the zoo isn't exactly cheap... But, yes, we are going to take him to the zoo after church. There's a reason that we hadn't made any plans yet, I guess!

Matthew 6:26  "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

God LOVES V*ktor more than we can imagine. He has a plan for this sweet boy. Will you please continue to pray for his forever family that they clearly see God's plan for them to have him in their lives forever. I don't know who that is, but I know they're out there somewhere!

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